Q & A

What is the growth curve on a child’s ability to learn?

The curve is based on the average age at which children learn specific activities and concepts. This curve is referred to as the “growth arc.”

Why use a “Learning And Growing Season” instead of the milestone?

Milestone growth is when we set a goal to be reached at a certain time and then give a reward. Children may be faster or slower than their peers and therefore using seasons versus specific dates and goals can allow them to develop faster in their gifted. Milestone learning tends to make a child feel they have finished learning at the reaching of the goal instead of continuing to learn.

Why is there a “Learning season ceremony”?  

It is best to celebrate in the same way as the milestone method. This helps,the parents stay connected to the child’s accomplishments and be a part of the joy of learning with the child.

How does Chinese culture look at the way of raising special needs children?

In the ancient book “War State Policy” it says “The love of parents is also far-reaching.” Han Yu, a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty, said in his book “The Teacher’s Say” the duty of parenting is to love his son, choose a teacher but also teach the child.”( See the cultural and life fusion of the apple )

What did Zhuangzi say about the cultivation of a child’s complete development?

The Ancient Sage Zhuang Zizhi said it is the commission of parents to instruct children in life.

He said, “The body of heaven and earth is found in the life of harmony of humans on earth. This is our portion of duty to life.”

Life is not found only in one realm, it is in connection with heaven and earth also, this brings the spirit of mankind to know unseen things like wisdom as well as the earthly activities of life.

This is important in passing on to children and grandchildren the things that will connect them in both the heavenly and the earthly realms. Children according to Zhuang Zizhi are the portion of us that live in the next generation.

Why do Chinese families have difficulty expressing “love”, is our culture too conservative?

The pictogram of the earliest word “love” clearly expresses love as the heart to heart emotion felt but seldom seen. (See the culture and life fusion of the apple). Let’s study hard and live up to the original meaning of the Chinese word!

We are struggling at parenting how can we bridge the relationship between children and their education?

It only takes 5 minutes a day to get together alone, focus on each other’s careful moments, and you complete the little activities with your kids.

Can parents balance the need to make money in order to let our children go to good private schools, and teaching our children?

Parents are encouraged to try not to give up on participating in a child’s “once-in-a-lifetime” development. Your child doesn’t just look like you, but you can pass it on! Enjoy your child’s eyes only your time!

My baby is 2 years old, I want to be free, go to work, restore my own time and life, because I have a good mother-in-law, they can take care of the baby during the day, do you think it will have an impact on the upbringing of the child?

We want to encourage and support parents, teachers (as well as grandparents, uncles, aunts, and other adults who give in to their children) to play an important role in teaching their children and to learn together because character learning requires your example and reminder.